Well I guess we're now just discussing an irrelevant tangent now.

The debt is important today because there is a pretty significant recession caused by loaning money to people who could not pay their debts. If the risk-free bonds that the world financial markets depend on suddenly become risk-bearing bonds, the whole world is going to tilt on its axis.

Why not tax the super rich? What did the super rich do deserve extra taxation that the super poor did not? If mere exploitation is the crime, then it's the middle class' fault for not finding its niche. I, too, am being glib, but it sounds a lot like the inmates are running the prison when the middle class who took gambles and lost turn around and cry for punitive action against the upper class who took gambles and won. I know that the super rich are not purely wall street players, but I reject fully the notion that they were being any more exploitative of the system than the dickbag who takes out a mortgage and misses his first mortgage payment. If the government felt it was wrong that people made a lot of money passing through high risk mortgage loans, MAYBE IT SHOULD'VE STOPPED BUYING THE FUCKING THINGS.

And you're wrong, preschool has the highest ROI of any level of education. By the time most people who are targetedg for programs like Job Core get started in these programs, they've already missed the window on the social and reasoning skills acquired in preschool which turn out to be the basis for a successful and productive life. Granted, today's politicians won't see the feedback for another 15-20 years, so it will always lack the appropriate political support.