Quote Originally Posted by sailor jack View Post
With Derrida's concepts in mind, can we treat the internet as a text in the same way that we treat books, dreams or the city?

Does the signing of a document relate to death? Or does the refusal to sign a document embody some sort of immortality, of the text or the (non)signer?
Well, you may have noticed that not many of us are versed in Derrida... I would definitely like to try and engage with the discussion, but if you're going to be steering it (which, you'd have to, wouldn't you) you might have to do some more fleshing-out than this.

"Books, dreams or the city" -- I can't figure out what that is a list of, and why we'd treat the internet like we do all those things.

I think I get the gist of the "signing equals death" point, but I need a little help relating it back to the internet in any significant way.