Too many times I've heard people say "I'm voting for Obama because I don't want Mitt to win." When I ask them why, they say he's the lesser of the two evils. That brings the follow up question, "why not vote for a 3rd party candidate?" to which they rebuttal "I don't want to waste my vote, he'll never win."

Then 3rd party supporters post things like

which make me wonder- if everyone who hated Obama and everyone who hated Romney came together, could it be possible? 3rd parties have won (although not commonly) in the past to major parties.

I believe you should vote for who you want to be president. Voting for someone because you don't want another major candidate to win seems like a wasted vote to me. Voting with this logic allows another logical fallacy to come into play- "Why bother voting in my state? My state always votes dem/rep!" which can be taken as far as "If I don't live in a swing state it doesn't matter if I vote."

When votes are cast for one major party to keep another major party from winning it's clear the corporations who have turned elections into a game have won. Does it really matter if one or the other wins since they'll both do (essentially) the same thing?

Both major candidates are pretty much going to keep the country in the same direction. So why vote for either? I don't understand how support can be given for candidates who are stripping the american people of their constitutional rights.

So the question I'm asking- Do you think a 3rd party vote is a wasted vote? And if you're voting Democrat (especially if it's just to keep Mitt out) please explain why. I think Gwahir's thread already showed no one here is voting for Mitt.