Limited knowledge of politics warning

Voting third party is a waste of a vote, in my opinion. They haven't been invited to the debates, get significantly less coverage in the media, and are relatively unknown compared to the Duet of Evil. I vote Democratic, because I'm a poor white man(well, that's what conservatives would tell you, even though I collect nothing from the government). Really, the main reason I don't vote Republican is because of how often they run with "God on their side". I know that's a week argument, but I'm pro-choice, and atheist to boot, I'd rather not vote anyone who uses any religion(aside from Pastafarianism) as a selling point, no matter how minor. I didn't think Obama would be the savior of our nation that people thought he would be, and he's fucked a lot up, but has also made some nice changes for us. Maybe his second term he'll impose some sweeping social reforms, but I'm not holding my breath. Also, his healthcare is a major plus for me, because 6 years ago me being able to afford health insurance was near impossible, it was either pay my rent, or pay for health insurance, both of which I absolutely need. I don't qualify for Tenncare(TN's healthcare for the poor), because I'm a "healthy"(aside from the diebeetus), young, white male.

But, I would really like to see Johnson in, and I may vote for him, because there is no way in hell Tennessee will be anything other than a red state.

Also, as I got into an argument with my dad about this, but I really liked the fact that "Don't Ask Don't Tell" was repealed.