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Thread: The War on Child Porn: A witch hunt?

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    λεγιων ονομα μοι sycld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by coqauvin View Post
    On the other hand, there is a valid point that unscrupulous and immature teenagers could, theoretically, end up producing pornography of themselves and selling it to... how shall I say, enthusiasts? I'm still of the opinion that people around that age lack the foresight and maturity necessary to deal with the potential ramifications of either nude photos of themselves, or photos of them engaging in sexual acts. Some people will react poorly to their nudes being passed around, something that is almost inevitable, considering how long and how volatile high school relationships tend to be.
    These kids are not making pornography and selling it on the internet. And so are we going to arrest kids for committing every stupid action that just hurts themselves?

    Of course, kids hurting other kids (i.e. bullying) is not a crime. That makes sense.

    As a sideline to the girl who committed suicide for having her nudes getting sent around the school and the subsequent bullying (as mentioned in the first article), there was a girl named Sarah who went to a Catholic school in Oshawa who had pretty much the same thing happen. She did a strip-tease video and sent it to friends, who sent it to friends who sent it to friends who turned out to be rivals of Sarah. They printed off posters with screenshots of the video, and added captions like "10 cent whore" "filthy fucking slut" "nasty ho-bag" and other insulting combinations I can't particularly remember.
    So your solution would have been to arrest her for making this video. Think about that for a second.

    already possessing a reputation for being a disgusting slut (which was well-earned, I have to admit)
    And that's completely unnecessary.

    on the notion of older art eroticizing youth, I'm pretty sure there are cases of photographers doing artistic nudes with underaged models that were accused of creating child pornography, but I can't remember their names, so yes, the stigma is certainly still being applied. I would like to know your stance on the painting, sycld. Do you find them to be works of art, or the lecherous wish of a pervert brought artistically to life?
    One such photographer was Lewis Carroll.

    As for Caravaggio, these paintings among others are said to be some of the most influential of the entire Western cannon by other great artists and art experts. So what do you think my opinion of them is, even though they do so unabashedly eroticize young boys?

    If you don't like them, then get the fuck out.

    Quote Originally Posted by Think View Post
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  2. #2
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    I do think there are times when the war on child porn sometimes forgets what it is that it is fighting. I have heard horror tales of stupid teenagers sending pictures of themselves around and getting people into trouble. This is not child porn, this is not what the fight should be about. The whole idea about fighting child porn is that in order for it to be made, a child must be abused, therefore the cops go after both supply and demand in order to save more children from abuse.

    It should not cover stupid teens thinking it is a laugh to distribute naughty pictures of themselves. Teens acting like this is not the same as a child molestor photographing/recording themselves abusing children, it just isn't.

  3. #3
    ))) joke, relax ;) coqauvin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syme View Post
    But the kids being hit with these child pornography charges didn't (as far as I can tell) take nude photos of each other for this purpose. Surely the hypothetical scenario you've thought up here, which doesn't seem to describe the actual cases in question, doesn't justify charging a 16-year-old with child pornography for sending nude pic-messages to her boyfriend?
    In this situation, no. But it begs the question of why the photographs are taken in the first place. If they were to be kept private, then theoretically, there is no problem. The issue here is that neither of them possesses the maturity level or foresight to see that those photos will not stay private. There is a reasonable expectation that either the photos will be shown to friends, either in confidence that is possible (I would say likely) to be broken, or out of spite because the relationship didn't go the way they wanted to.

    Part of the issue with these cases is that the photographs had been uploaded to a computer and transferred over the internet, or else sent from cell phone to cell phone. The images are getting passed around and transferred, and I don't think it's unlikely that, given enough time and handling, they are just going to be posted publicly, on 4chan for an example.

    Now let me temper this. I don't in any way believe that they should be charged with child pornography laws, because those were made to address the child pornographers and the abuse that is inherent in that industry. Those laws are made for a reason, and I understand that. At the same time, I don't think that kids should be photographing themselves nude and sending it out to people. There's something inappropriate about that as well, and it's not just overprudence - it's more the consequences that they'll have to face should (and they likely will) the photos get leaked. Some aren't strong enough to handle the aftermath, as was the case for Jesse Logan.

    Quote Originally Posted by Syme View Post
    I'm not sycld, but I'd call them art. It's not like nude paintings were otherwise scarce in the schools of art represented by the paintings in the OP. Subjects were often depicted nude, regardless of their age. If these artists were painting fully-clothed adults but demanding that their child models get naked, it might be different. But that's not how it was. They tended to paint adult subjects just as nude as those kids.
    I was asking sycld about this because he brought up the images and mentioned their history, but still hasn't given any kind of real opinion on them or what he thinks about them, about why he appreciates them as art, and not because he's looking to get a reaction out of everyone with them.

    Quote Originally Posted by sycld View Post
    These kids are not making pornography and selling it on the internet. And so are we going to arrest kids for committing every stupid action that just hurts themselves?
    No, but the law has to be reasonable about forseeing possible directions questionable actions can take. As was listed on the majority decision in the second link you gave:

    Quote Originally Posted by Excerpt of majority decision
    As previously stated, the reasonable expectation that the material will ultimately be disseminated is by itself a compelling state interest for preventing the production of this material. In addition, the statute was intended to protect minors like appellant and her co-defendant from their own lack of judgment...

    Appellant was simply too young to make an intelligent decision about engaging in sexual conduct and memorializing it. Mere production of these videos or pictures may also result in psychological trauma to the teenagers involved.

    Further, if these pictures are ultimately released, future damage may be done to these minors' careers or personal lives. These children are not mature enough to make rational decisions concerning all the possible negative implications of producing these videos.

    In addition, the two defendants placed the photos on a computer and then, using the Internet, transferred them to another computer. Not only can the two computers be hacked, but by transferring the photos using the Net, the photos may have been and perhaps still are accessible to the provider and/or other individuals. Computers also allow for long-term storage of information which may then be disseminated at some later date. The state has a compelling interest in seeing that material which will have such negative consequences is never produced.
    Now while the computer part seems a little reactionary, like old relics recoiling and responding to something they don't understand, the sentiment is still the same. These kids are to young to understand the consequences of their actions, and how far down the line they will stretch. But you can read all that, so I'm not going to reiterate it.

    Quote Originally Posted by sycld View Post
    Of course, kids hurting other kids (i.e. bullying) is not a crime. That makes sense.
    And when did I say that? Stop trying to wind me up.

    Quote Originally Posted by sycld View Post
    So your solution would have been to arrest her for making this video. Think about that for a second.
    I didn't say that, but I guess you could pick that sentiment out of what I wrote. No, my intention was to provide an anecdote from my own life and give you the results of what happened there, and to compare that with the reported incident you mentioned in one of your links. Personally, I thought what happened was a little reprehensible, but nothing ever seemed to come from it.

    Quote Originally Posted by sycld View Post
    And that's completely unnecessary.
    Not if you knew her. Get off your high horse.

    Quote Originally Posted by sycld View Post
    One such photographer was Lewis Carroll.

    As for Caravaggio, these paintings among others are said to be some of the most influential of the entire Western cannon by other great artists and art experts. So what do you think my opinion of them is, even though they do so unabashedly eroticize young boys?
    I don't know what you opinion is, that is why I asked you. I'm a little surprised you haven't given any kind of reason for it yet.
    Last edited by coqauvin; 03-27-2009 at 09:04 AM.

  4. #4
    λεγιων ονομα μοι sycld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by coqauvin View Post

    No, but the law has to be reasonable about forseeing possible directions questionable actions can take. As was listed on the majority decision in the second link you gave:

    Now while the computer part seems a little reactionary, like old relics recoiling and responding to something they don't understand, the sentiment is still the same. These kids are to young to understand the consequences of their actions, and how far down the line they will stretch. But you can read all that, so I'm not going to reiterate it.
    Thanks for writing my response to this in the same post:

    Now let me temper this. I don't in any way believe that they should be charged with child pornography laws, because those were made to address the child pornographers and the abuse that is inherent in that industry. Those laws are made for a reason, and I understand that. At the same time, I don't think that kids should be photographing themselves nude and sending it out to people. There's something inappropriate about that as well, and it's not just overprudence - it's more the consequences that they'll have to face should (and they likely will) the photos get leaked. Some aren't strong enough to handle the aftermath, as was the case for Jesse Logan.
    The counter to this is sex education, not prosecution. Or are we going to start criminalizing unprotected sex and teen pregnancy as well?

    Teens taking pics of themselves naked and sending them around is a bad thing, but we're talking about prosecution of this action based on laws meant to protect children from child pornographers. In other words, we're talking about application of the law in exactly the way it is written in the legal codes. If these laws are applicable to these instances, as is born out by the fact that these prosecutions have been successful, then there is obviously something wrong with the law.

    I was asking sycld about this because he brought up the images and mentioned their history, but still hasn't given any kind of real opinion on them or what he thinks about them, about why he appreciates them as art, and not because he's looking to get a reaction out of everyone with them.
    What sort of "reaction" do you think I'm trying to get out of people, exactly?

    Not if you knew her. Get off your high horse.
    I misread the statement; I thought it was referring to the girl that committed suicide, not the one you knew.

    I don't know what you opinion is, that is why I asked you. I'm a little surprised you haven't given any kind of reason for it yet.
    You mean that the opinions of European art scholars and other great European artists is not reason enough? The fact that Caravaggio was a profound influence on such artists as Bernini, Rembrandt, Velasquez, and Rubens is not reason enough to not denounce his works as prurient and lurid?

    I have no clue what other reason I'm suppose to give. Do you want me to tell you why I love his art, or why these works are hung in museums as some of the greatest examples of Western painting? Well, why is any artist great or influential? Just try to answer me that question.

    The fact is that despite the fact that these are unabashed and overt displays of adolescence eroticized to a shocking extent in my opinion, they are still today touted as some of the greatest works of art produced in the Western European tradition. If you disagree with that statement, you'll have to either contend that they are not great works of art, in which case you have to take on the established art community, or that they are not erotic, in which case I wish you good luck in trying to support such a claim.
    Last edited by sycld; 03-27-2009 at 02:06 PM.

    If you don't like them, then get the fuck out.

    Quote Originally Posted by Think View Post
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  5. #5
    ))) joke, relax ;) coqauvin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sycld View Post
    Teens taking pics of themselves naked and sending them around is a bad thing, but we're talking about prosecution of this action based on laws meant to protect children from child pornographers. In other words, we're talking about application of the law in exactly the way it is written in the legal codes. If these laws are applicable to these instances, as is born out by the fact that these prosecutions have been successful, then there is obviously something wrong with the law.
    I agree entirely. I don't think I've said anything to contrary. Also, perhaps it wouldn't be a difficult amendment to make allowances where all participants are underaged to have the punishment be something more along the lines of rehabilitation rather than serving a full sentence for distributing child pornography. Maybe I am mistaken in thinking that, while the justice system is flawed in this circumstance, it will eventually correct itself in support of common sense.

    Quote Originally Posted by sycld View Post
    What sort of "reaction" do you think I'm trying to get out of people, exactly?
    You have made your opinion of this forum clear from before its inception, and I wouldn't put it past you to resort to cheap gimmickery in an attempt, if a subtle one, to troll. Since this isn't the case, I dont' really have anything else to say.

    Quote Originally Posted by sycld View Post
    You mean that the opinions of European art scholars and other great European artists is not reason enough? The fact that Caravaggio was a profound influence on such artists as Bernini, Rembrandt, Velasquez, and Rubens is not reason enough to not denounce his works as prurient and lurid?
    Ah yes, with my casual knowledge of the history of art, I should have immediately picked up on this. Thank you for pointing that out.

    Quote Originally Posted by sycld View Post
    I have no clue what other reason I'm suppose to give. Do you want me to tell you why I love his art, or why these works are hung in museums as some of the greatest examples of Western painting?
    I wanted you to tell me why you liked his art, and what about it made it so interesting for you. It's not strictly on the topic at hand, since it's asking more about the art itself rather than the subject of the painting.

    Quote Originally Posted by sycld View Post
    Well, why is any artist great or influential? Just try to answer me that question.
    There are any number of reasons, a few of which are common, but no real quick answer to the question. It's almost always a situational thing, but the common themes seem to be: advancement of technique, satire of technique, peculiar perspective being displayed, new subject matter not seen before and any innovation and combination of those themes.

    How do those apply to Caravaggio? I'm pretty sure it's not the eroticization of the models, but then I have no experience or history with visual artists.

    Quote Originally Posted by sycld View Post
    The fact is that despite the fact that these are unabashed and overt displays of adolescence eroticized to a shocking extent in my opinion, they are still today touted as some of the greatest works of art produced in the Western European tradition. If you disagree with that statement, you'll have to either contend that they are not great works of art, in which case you have to take on the established art community, or that they are not erotic, in which case I wish you good luck in trying to support such a claim.
    I can't say I disagree with the statement because I have no foundation upon which to make an argument. I literally know nothing about art history, with the exception of recognizing a couple names and perhaps a couple pieces. My inquiry was for you to explain to me why they shouldn't be considered pornographic and should be lauded as artistic achievements, as well as asking for your opinion of his work and why you feel it resonates and has meaning with you. That's not entirely part of the topic, that last section is more personal curiosity about your taste in art.

  6. #6
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    Why SHOULD anyone have to explain why art depicting nude figures isn't pornographic? I don't get it at all. Isn't it obvious to any thinking person that nudity =/= pornography?

    And sycld, I don't think it's even fair to say that those paintings "eroticise" adolescents, especially not "overtly" and "unabashedly". So yeah, even if coqauvin isn't willing to contend that claim, I am.

    EDIT: Frankly, I don't see what the art has to do with the issue of hitting minors with kiddie porn charges for taking nude/sexual pictures. Seems totally unrelated to me.
    Last edited by Syme; 03-27-2009 at 03:49 PM.

  7. #7
    λεγιων ονομα μοι sycld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syme View Post
    Why SHOULD anyone have to explain why art depicting nude figures isn't pornographic? I don't get it at all. Isn't it obvious to any thinking person that nudity =/= pornography?

    And sycld, I don't think it's even fair to say that those paintings "eroticise" adolescents, especially not "overtly" and "unabashedly". So yeah, even if coqauvin isn't willing to contend that claim, I am.
    Well, I suppose that is your opinion. Still, these depicitions of naked youths and others like them have been enough to make Caravaggio's sexuality (as well as that of his patrons') a topic of academic debate.

    EDIT: Frankly, I don't see what the art has to do with the issue of hitting minors with kiddie porn charges for taking nude/sexual pictures. Seems totally unrelated to me.
    I suppose I wanted to open this discussion beyond merely these laws about child pornography and all touch upon our prudish sensibilities regarding this topic, regarding anything that might be sexual with young children in it as "child pornography," but I guess I failed in that by not providing a strong enough first post.

    If you don't like them, then get the fuck out.

    Quote Originally Posted by Think View Post
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  8. #8
    Senior Member Syme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sycld View Post
    Well, I suppose that is your opinion. Still, these depicitions of naked youths and others like them have been enough to make Caravaggio's sexuality (as well as that of his patrons') a topic of academic debate.
    Yeah, I'm familiar with the debate on Caravaggio's sexuality, and in fact I'd agree that his body of work, looked at in it's totality, suggests a preoccupation wwith naked boys. What I'm saying, hoever, is that the pictures you posted in the OP aren't, in and of themselves, "overtly and unashamedly erotic". They show naked figures, that's all; the figures aren't doing anything particularly suggestive, they're just standing there with their dicks showing. If that makes them inherently erotic, then a huge portion of art from that period (and others) is "erotic" too. Amor Vincit Omnia isn't any more erotic, in and of itself, than Michelangelo's David, or El Greco's Laocoon, or Perugino's Apollo and Marysas, or any other artistic work depicting nude figures with exposed genitals. After all, as I said earlier, painting figures in the nude was pretty standard procedure back then. It's only when you look at Caravaggio's whole body of work, and see that he seemed to have heavily favored adolescent boys as his nude models, that the sexual dimension at work there is suggested. I don't think that any reasonable person can claim that any given painting of those nude boys is inherently erotic, unless they are prepared to claim that ALL paintings of nude figures are inherently erotic.

    Quote Originally Posted by sycld
    I suppose I wanted to open this discussion beyond merely these laws about child pornography and all touch upon our prudish sensibilities regarding this topic, regarding anything that might be sexual with young children in it as "child pornography," but I guess I failed in that by not providing a strong enough first post.
    I guess it seems to me that striving for broadness in that way is counterproductive, because it just makes the ensuing argument multi-directional and unfocused. I do see the connection you were trying to make, but to me, the issue of charging minors for child porn and the issue of whether 17th-century nude paintings can be called "child porn" aren't closely linked enough for it to be really effective. Just my opinion, of course. To me, the real point of this thread should be the debate over hitting minors with child porn charges for taking nude pics of themselves, adding in this extra layer of debate over possibly-erotic old paintings just confuses the issue.

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