Quote Originally Posted by gismo View Post
I have always been on the side of the pro choice people. And my reasons have been largly the game, he sort of shares the same reasons that I do. The main reason that I do not consider the unborn child a human, like you are I, is to do with brain function. It cannot form memories, it has no cognition, therefore it cannot suffer, this for me is a really big difference and a crucial one. What does it matter if your other organs work, if your brain doesn't? In my mind it makes you little more than an elaborate vegetable.

I know that isn't a very nice way to describe my fellow humans, but without brain function you cannot form any relationships with other people and the world around you, you cannot forge an identity, you cannot experience the world on any meaningful level. And while the child is still in its early stages, still part of its mother, it is for this main reason that I tend to side with the pro choice people. It really does get me upset when people liken abortion to murdering a human who is walking around, for the reasons I mentioned earlier, they just are not the same.

I believe that it is our brain and subsequent experience that makes human life stand out from all other life, the reason we are the dominant species on this planet, for me it is the brain that defines us as a species more than anything else and whilst the unborn is still just a bunch of cells, for me it isn't human, it is potentially a human, but not yet.
I don't want to put words in your mouth (or texts in your posts) but it seems you're saying you agree with what he's saying? That at this point about two months after conception (or however long) should be where the line is drawn and the abortion should no longer be able to be performed? The only reason I ask is because it seems like you may be agreeing and disagreeing at the same time, but I can't really decipher your true position.

Though I guess I shouldn't care, my main thing was just to share this idea and hopefully someone else will get as much joy and clarity out of thinking about it this way as I did. It seems so self-evident/obvious that I should have thought about abortion this way long before now, but I just never made that connection. I assume that I'm in good company in this though, since I've never once heard pro-choicers talk about it this way (and I've been in a fair amount of surprisingly reasonable abortion discussions), or maybe they have indirectly and it just took a video like this for me to see the meaning.