Quote Originally Posted by Barack Dalai Lama View Post
I guess those that write 160-page books (compared to this, which if put into OpenOffice is less than 20 pages) love to listen to themselves talk too, dippy.
No, they are published authors with great knowledge on a specific subject who are dispersing that greater knowledge to others in the form of written word. You are just trying to toot your own horn and show everyone on CD exactly how much you know about Soviet Social-Imerialism, which I actually don't doubt that you do. In fact I'm sure you have at least some grasp on the concept, undoubtedly more so than I. However, your essay is not written to educate, or spark discussion, it is to show exactly how much you know on the subject. And that is why you cant summarize it for anyone, you aren't willing to break it down into something simple. You want everyone to read the whole damn thing and then praise you for writing it.

Well, I can tell you now, no one on here cares enough to read it, and even if they did, no ones gonna be impressed. Congrats on reading one book on the subject as it's clear that's all you did.