Quote Originally Posted by Shinysides View Post
I think the law is somewhat unfair to men, but I've racked my brain and I can't think of a better one. We can't allow ourselves to accept our government choosing what we can and cannot do with our own bodies. I just can't think of a solution that holds water, they all have some holes, the current law just has fewer than most.
Quote Originally Posted by Killuminati View Post
I think if the mother wants to abort and the father doesn't she should have the right to abort because she will have to deal with carrying it and it's her choice too. If the father wants to abort and the mother doesn't she should have to or make it so that the guy is not held responsible. Why should she be able to choose to abort but be able to force her partner to have a child he doesn't want? It's ok when the woman doesn't want it but its not when the guy doesn't?
How is this unfair to women though?