Quote Originally Posted by solecistic View Post
You can't force a woman to have an abortion, period. You can't force her not to, either.

Killuminati, as a pro-choice woman, I believe that a man who does not want a child carried to term should not be held legally responsible for the child as long as he makes this decision within a timely manner (I think something analogous to a woman's timeframes to make her decision about aborting). There is no turning back from that legal decision - he cannot claim any visiting rights or custody once the papers are signed. A legal-only "abortion". That's not likely to ever happen, but I think it's the most fair. Manipulative women having children to trap men is a fairly heinous thought but happens all too commonly.
Thank you, I think that's the only fair way as well. That's all I have been trying to say this whole time. Unfortunately the odds of something like that happening are extremely low and I won't ever expect the law to work like that. This means that I just have to be extra careful and make sure my girl isn't a snake who tries to trap me.