Quote Originally Posted by TwoStoopid View Post
This really only provides an insight as to what the high is actually like, along with some of the myths of what getting high will do to you. It's been proven that one can not be physically dependent on marijuana.
Uhh, anything that's in the DSMMD is pretty well supported by a lot of hard medical fact and research. As coq says, it's basically an encyclopedia for doctors and medical scientists. This doesn't mean everything in there is automatically guaranteed to be totally correct in every detail (as coq also points out, it's several years old at the moment), but it's not "myths". That stuff about cannabis dependence isn't just made up; it's taken directly from observation of patients, so if it's in there, then there are people who are dependent upon cannabis. This doesn't mean the dependence is physical--you are right, becoming physically dependent on cannabis in the same way that one might be physical dependent on nicotine or opioids is not possible. Nevertheless cannabis dependency does exist and is possible. Not all substance dependence is physical dependence. You will note that the section on cannabis dependence doesn't state that it's a physical dependence.