Quote Originally Posted by Atmosfear View Post
How is this a misunderstanding at all? The Crusades were justified by reclaiming the holy land, furthering the true religion, etc. There was no passage in the Gospel that said, "Those who disrespect Christianity by non-believing must die at the hands of the true believer," nor were their promises of rewards in the afterlife for those who die for the jihad. You can manipulate any system of belief to ignoble ends if you so desire, but the Islamic texts don't even require manipulation; they require quoting.
Well we have to accept that texts are open to interpretation and recognize who has the authority to do that interpretation. In both Islam and Christianity it has usually been scholars, but Catholicism has a recognized spiritual leader whose opinion on everything is revered by many.

Quote Originally Posted by Woofness View Post
Its a shame that you can make a half decent argument then follow it up with such an ignorant and pathetic statement.
Shut up, puss