Quote Originally Posted by KT. View Post
I'd like to point out that most people like to assume that if intelligent life is indeed "out there", it is more technologically advanced than that on Earth. But what if all nearby civilizations are developing technologically at relatively the same pace? Or what if we are the smartest kids on the block?

Intelligent life could be quite common in our galaxy. After all, the ancient Egyptians were intelligent but they weren't transmitting radio signals.
Well I'm not sure if this is what Syme was getting at because I'm sitting at a bar and I'm currently simple jacked about to bring home cougars, but...

While life has existed on earth for significantly longer than "intelligent life" has, the way that intelligent life has accellerated so quickly here would indicate that, were we to find a planet with life, the odds of having both intelligent life, and intelligent life capable of receiving communication are pretty much the same.