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Thread: Mahmoud al-Mabhouh Assassination

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  1. #1
    Senior Member Syme's Avatar
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    I think the whole "they look Jewish" thing is a crock of shit.

    Going from top to bottom, left to right: #1, maybe 2, 6, and 8 maybe 10 look "stereotypically Jewish"; #3, 5, 9, and 11 look generically Caucasian to me; #4 and 7 could as easily be Arabs as they could be anyone else (probably it looks that way because of the facial hair). These are the original 11 of course, I haven't seen pictures of the other 15, but I doubt that most or all of them looked "remarkably Jewish" either. I think people are grasping at straws and/or letting themselves be swayed by their a priori assumption that Mossad is responsible, so that when they then look at the faces they say to themselves "oh yeah, what a bunch of Jews they look like".
    Last edited by Syme; 02-26-2010 at 08:11 AM.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syme View Post
    I think the whole "they look Jewish" thing is a crock of shit.

    Going from top to bottom, left to right: #1, maybe 2, 6, and 8 maybe 10 look "stereotypically Jewish"; #3, 5, 9, and 11 look generically Caucasian to me; #4 and 7 could as easily be Arabs as they could be anyone else (probably it looks that way because of the facial hair).
    I disagree. I don't think any of those assassins look like Arabs, especially 4 & 7, who look very much like Ashkenazi Jews (they originated in Eastern Europe). Obviously this is rather dumb because I am saying someone looks like a Jew, when it is a religion. There is no Jewish race in my opinion (most are of European descent, which means they are not of a religious bloodline. The Jews originating in the Middle East are Arabs). Israel definitely has a lot of Arab Jews (or even Muslims) as spies, but obviously they have a lot more Caucasians (since that is what constitutes the majority of their population). On the other hand, I doubt any Arab intelligence agency has near as many Caucasian spies as they do Arab spies. This is significant because this team of approx. 25 individuals does not appear to have any Arabs. I would be surprised if an intelligence agency with a majority of Arab spies assembled a large assassination team with not one member who is clearly and visually an Arab. It's definitely something to think about. It could have no significance, or be key evidence.

    So it's not that they look like Jews (this doesn't even make sense), it's that they look like Caucasians. This in my opinion incriminates the west, which Israel loves to include itself in.
    Last edited by mrbazoun; 02-27-2010 at 03:30 AM.

  3. #3
    λεγιων ονομα μοι sycld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrbazoun View Post

    So it's not that they look like Jews (this doesn't even make sense), it's that they look like Caucasians. This in my opinion incriminates the west, which Israel loves to include itself in.
    Oh right, because if any Arab group really wanted to, they couldn't recruit 25 European-looking people to carry out their dirty work, or Mossad couldn't pick 25 of their Ashkenazi agents who looked less Ashkenazi than is typical.

    Also, your accusation of this being some conspiracy of Israel and "the West" against the Arabs is baseless and sounds paranoid.

    Your line of reasoning is absurd. Most likely it was either Mossad i(which circumstantial evidence is already suggesting) or it was some other group in the Middle East that had help from Hamas defectors. There's no reason at this point to think that any European or North American country had anything to do with this.

    If you don't like them, then get the fuck out.

    Quote Originally Posted by Think View Post
    Atheists are quite right

  4. #4
    Ambulatory Blender MrShrike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syme View Post
    I think the whole "they look Jewish" thing is a crock of shit.

    Going from top to bottom, left to right: #1, maybe 2, 6, and 8 maybe 10 look "stereotypically Jewish"; #3, 5, 9, and 11 look generically Caucasian to me; #4 and 7 could as easily be Arabs as they could be anyone else (probably it looks that way because of the facial hair). These are the original 11 of course, I haven't seen pictures of the other 15, but I doubt that most or all of them looked "remarkably Jewish" either. I think people are grasping at straws and/or letting themselves be swayed by their a priori assumption that Mossad is responsible, so that when they then look at the faces they say to themselves "oh yeah, what a bunch of Jews they look like".
    Well frankly, I don't think that you or I are qualified to assess if these individuals appear to be Israeli Jews or not, so your assessment of whether they are or are not would seem to be moot.

    What I do know however is that individuals of a given racial group ARE better able to identify individuals from their own racial group, far better than individuals from other racial groups are able to. I can probably dig up some links to studies that prove this if you like.

    This means that if you want to ask someone "is this person a Jewish Israeli", the best people to ask are the exact same people (i.e the Jewish Israeli public) who are seemingly already convinced that the operatives were in fact Jewish Israelis.
    Last edited by MrShrike; 03-04-2010 at 08:08 PM.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Syme's Avatar
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    Right, I'm not saying that my guesstimates about the ethnic origin of the people in that photo are conclusively correct, just airing my opinion that the "they look Jewish" argument is a thin one. I'm airing this opinion in response to your statement that they "all looked remarkably Jewish". I have been to and traveled in Israel, for what that's worth.

    But anyhow, the idea that "Israeli Jews" constitute a distinct "racial group" is frankly laughable. The Israeli public is strongly multi-ethnic, your suggestion that they're all from a common "racial group" and thus can reliably spot fellow members of that "racial group" is total crap. They are a mish-mash of people with ethnic origins running back to all parts of Europe along with Western Asia and the Arab world. The Israeli public's assumptions about the ethnic origins of these people, especially based on low-quality passport photos, are no more valid than your assumptions or mine. Especially since, like most everyone else, they are already making a prior assumption (reasonable as it may be) that Mossad was responsible, which will of course color their reactions to the photos.

    I don't know what makes mrbazoun think that the guys in photos #4 and 7 look "very much like" Ashkenazi Jews. They could be, but they could just as easily be ethnic Arabs. They would easily blend in with the majority of people on the streets of Amman or Cairo. Which is what I said in the first place--I didn't say that they looked particularly like Arabs, what I said was that they could as easily be Arabs as they could be (non-Arab) Jews or anyone else.

    EDIT: Also, new info: Some of the suspects in the assassination apparently fled from Dubai into Iran after the hit.
    Last edited by Syme; 03-05-2010 at 12:55 PM.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syme View Post
    I don't know what makes mrbazoun think that the guys in photos #4 and 7 look "very much like" Ashkenazi Jews. They could be, but they could just as easily be ethnic Arabs. They would easily blend in with the majority of people on the streets of Amman or Cairo. Which is what I said in the first place--I didn't say that they looked particularly like Arabs, what I said was that they could as easily be Arabs as they could be (non-Arab) Jews or anyone else.
    EDIT: Also, new info: Some of the suspects in the assassination apparently fled from Dubai into Iran after the hit.
    What makes me think they could be Ashkenazi Jews is that they look like Ashkenazi Jews, although I never said I was certain. Who knows who they are, but those pictures seem to be proportionally similar to Israel's demographic. It could be insignificant, but my expert ass bets it's evidence.

    And where did you hear some of the suspects fled to Dubai?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrbazoun View Post
    What makes me think they could be Ashkenazi Jews is that they look like Ashkenazi Jews, although I never said I was certain.
    Right, what I'm baffled about is what has lead you to believe in the first place that their appearance is particularly indicative of membership in that ethnic group. In other words, the fact that you said that they "look very much like" (your exact words) Ashkenazi Jews leaves me scratching my head, puzzled--because their faces would be right at home anywhere in the Mediterranean world. Earlier I said they could easily be Arabs. They could also easily be Turks, Armenians, Greeks, Bulgarians, or any of a dozen other ethnic/national origins. Yeah they could be Ashkenazi too; but you didn't just say they "could be" Ashkenazi, you decided that Ashkenazi Jews in particular, and not any other group, are what they "look very much like". Again, those were your exact words. So I'm wondering what makes you think they look particularly like Ashkenazi Jews rather than anything else. I've been through Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, and Egypt in addition to Israel; and in Istanbul, Amman, Beirut, and Cairo/Helwan I saw plenty of people who look like those two guys. So your pegging them as Ashkenazi makes me suspect--again--that you are letting your assumptions/suspicions towards the Mossad color your reactions to the photos.

    Bear in mind that even if they aren't Ashkenazi Jews, that certainly doesn't mean they aren't Mossad agents. As I mentioned earlier, Israel's population is very multi-ethnic. They could easily be Bulgarians, Arabs, or whatever AND be Mossad agents (and Jews as well, in fact).

    Ultimately, though, gwahir is right: This whole business about what they look like is preposterous clutching at straws. You aren't going to be able to look at low-quality passport photos and draw any defensible conclusions about the ethnic origin of these people. You can draw conclusions all you want, don't get me wrong--they'll just be indefensible ones. Israel is definitely the #1 suspect, no question about it, but this ridiculous attempt to say "they got Jew faces!" and act like it's another item of evidence on the pile against Israel is just silly.

    Quote Originally Posted by mrbazoun
    And where did you hear some of the suspects fled to Dubai?
    Since the killing was IN Dubai, I don't think many suspects then fled TO Dubai. What I said was that two of the suspects fled to Iran. As for where I heard it, it was announced by the Dubai cops at least a week ago, and has been mentioned in a number of stories. Although now headlines seem to be saying that they fled "through" Iran rather than "to" Iran. Here's one:

    Quote: "Three of the suspects - those holding Australian passports, one of them a woman - apparently fled Dubai following the assassination by boarding a ship to Iran."

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