Quote Originally Posted by gwahir View Post
I may be mistaken in the point I am about to make, so do tell me if I am, but: who was it, again, who blew up a bomb in the London underground? What was his ethnicity?

(Even if I am wrong -- I recall that it was a white Londoner -- the point remains that it seems to me to be ludicrously easy to recruit a bunch of foreign assassins who are politically sympathetic to make the hit. Not far-fetched in the slightest. Especially considering how many politically sympathetic foreigners there ARE in the world.)

I think the photos should be dismissed as meaningless until or unless they can be paired with or used to discover the guys' identities. Their look is absolutely not meaningful in any way.
it's the guilty expressions which jews constantly have that give these guys away.

it's like i can hear the "oy, gevalts" by just looking at the photos.