Quote Originally Posted by Mr. E View Post
Let's start with some basic questions for prompt: What do you think about Obamacare?
I think it's an unconstitutional piece of crap, enacted under an irresponsible veil of "we have to pass it to find out what's in it."

Should more be done? Should less be done? Alternatives?
I'm not an expert by any means on the intricasies of health care or health care law. I don't have any alternatives besides "leave me the hell alone."

Is health insurance a right?
There is no such thing as the right to someone else's labor, so no.

Does the government have the right to enforce an individual mandate?
Hells no. This is an unprecedented (there is literally no precedent) use of power under the commerce clause, and if it's a valid use of the power, there is really no end to the government's authority. Any time the economy gets a little slow they can just make a new law requiring everyone to buy another LED TV or a new computer. Think the public would be better off if they read more newspapers? Require a subscription to the New Yor Times. Think people are too fat? Mandate they purchase five servings of fruits per day. Where does it end? There has been no limiting principle on this newly-invented power other than "this is a special case." Which is BS. The trend of government is to expand its power, not to limit it, and there's no reason to believe this power would be any different.

As far as non-compliance with the mandate is concerned, penalties for not doing so are clearly unconcstitutional as well, insofar as they are considered a "tax." There are three methods of taxation authorized by the Constitution, and this scheme complies with none of them. First, it is not a tax on income because it is not based on income. It cannot be classified as a capitation tax because it is not apportioned. And it cannot be labeled an excise because the rate is not uniform across the states.

Purely unconstitutional.