Quote Originally Posted by simonj View Post
I think Fevers and Mirrors has some of the best lyrics I've ever heard on any album but, at the same time, I really don't think it's everyone's cup of tea and I can see how most people would hate it which is why I think albums like this aren't great choices for lists like these which should be a mix of accessibility and greatness.

Although with that in mind I'm now thinking about replacing the John Coltrane album I listed. Not to mention the Sonic Youth.
of the great albums you've never listened to, there are ones that you already know you will like but just never had a chance to listen to, and there are ones that you think you would hate but will actually blow your mind if given the chance

with the common hate against "emo"-sounding songs by people who've heard only generic examples, fevers and mirrors may be the best album that helps people see into it, for various reasons not even particular to the "genre":
- fever as i said
- lyrics as you said
- the way the first song seems to be placed around the opening sample, rather than the other way around
- mock interview to show that it doesn't take itself seriously
- more instruments than many are used to with 4-piece bands
- recurring themes, cohesiveness in spite of pace changes, blah blah blah

sure, these features are not unique and many people will hate it
they will use it to reinforce their opinion, but at least they now have a better idea

the same goes for rap, country, metal, pop, and every other genre; it's not hard to conceive that there are listen-to-this-before-you-die albums in all of them