Quote Originally Posted by Shinysides View Post
Rap and Hip Hop are different styles of music. I swear to god, why do people think they can break an entire culture down into a few artists who admittedly are only trying to further their own monetary goals. Not all rappers are the same, and as I've learned from internet forums, there is an underground movement behind every genre of music, and said movement usually tends to be better than mainstream shit. I can't help you if you listen to rap on the radio and enjoy it. That just means you like that particular kind of rap, which in my opinion is awful. However, underground rap/hip-hop is completely different, and if you haven't listened to it, don't pass judgment on it.Seriously, why is everyone such a little bitch about music? Why do I have to listen to your music? I don'tforce you guys to listen to mine, but when you say something so general as "rap is rapping about big screen tv's, blunts, 40's, and bitches" it is rude. I did not generalize your shitty taste in music, don't do it to mine.
I didn't say all rappers were the same, or that all rap music is the same. But it is still all rap and all hip-hop, they are interchangeable terms that some people can try to separate just as people can try to separate rock from good rock, but it's still all rock. Also, how did nobody get my reference to the Marshall Mathers LP with the "blunts, 40s, and bitches" comment? That's certainly one that any hip-hop buff should know. Not to mention they should know that I named two rap CDs (which are also the ONLY two albums I named) as my MUST listen-to albums for anyone.

Here they are again for those lazy like me:
A Piece of Strange by the Cunninlynguists and
Archetype by Tonedeff
for anyone who is open-minded enough to check them out. If you're looking for the most poignant lyrics you've ever heard then listen to Tonedeff's album, if you want a complete album with the best production that exists and a storyline that gets told a little more on each track, then check out the CL album.
Quote Originally Posted by babar View Post
Artists like Lil Jon, Mims, Lil Wayne, 50 Cent, D4L, etc. give a really bad name for rap, that's why they think like that. They grew up on real hip hop, and were smart enough businessmen to make money off of exploiting it with bubblegum choruses and cheesy beats. Basically: "My favorite rapper is your favorite rappers favorite rapper." They aren't in it for the love of the music, they are in it for the money and their music reflects that. Idk if people on CD will ever realize that besides a select few on here. There is a lot of better hip hop out there, you just have to find it.

I prefer to call the genre's 'mainstream rap' 'alternative hip-hop' and 'underground hip-hop' also there is 'instrumental hip-hop' like j dilla - donuts.
Yeah I understand and can sympathize with that, but I don't get calling certain rap music 'hip-hop.' It is fine if it's just another way to say rap, but trying to make some line between the two makes that person sound arrogant and elitist.
Quote Originally Posted by Killuminati View Post
How am I being a douche when no one who listens to hip hop said ANYTHING negative about anyone's choice of music. Then someone mentions rap and people immediately start saying shit like.

"There isn't a single rap album everyone should listen to before they die. "

"rapfags are as bad as potheads "

"My prejudices are going to show here....but...

...there should not be a single rap album on this list. "

What the fuck is that shit? I don't understand how people talk shit on rap but don't talk shit on other genres. EVERY GENRE has a lot of shitty mainstream music. They also all have good music true to the genre that isn't just bullshit. I tend to prefer rap but I listen to a lot of rock, some metal, whatever I listen to and enjoy. Why can't other people have this mindset. Let people listen to what they want and don't fucking say shit about it. If someone posts some rap albums why not actually fucking listen to some of it before you say anything. I can understand being critical of artists but only for legitimate reasons, don't just blindly stereotype an entire fucking genre of music based on a few songs you hear on the radio. I mean what good music is there on the radio anymore? Sure they will play a few good songs here and there but for the most part it's just shitty.

So it's ok for me to tell people that their genre of choice is shitty because I choose to listen to a mainstream songs I knew were going to be garbage? Oh hey let's judge music based on the "WORST OF THE GENRE". How can you not understand that this kind of attitude would piss someone off who actually listens to the good music of that genre. It's frustrating because people don't even give it a chance and completely write it off as terrible.
I definitely agree. This illustrates the problem perfectly. I'm all for people saying whatever they want about any genre of music, but just know that people who spout off stuff like "rapfags, etc..." are instantly less respected amongst anyone who isn't completely stupid and knows better.

Quote Originally Posted by babar View Post
Here's a list of some of my favorite albums:

top 5:
Wu-Tang Clan - Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)
Madvillain - Madvillainy
J Dilla - Donuts
Quasimoto - The Unseen
Nas - Illmatic

Those are just a few classic hip hop albums for all you saying there isn't any good hip-hop.
I'm always confused at how Illmatic has reached such a godly status amongst many rap listeners. Sure the rhymes/lyrics are great, but there are still MUCH better rhymes/lyrics on other albums. Not to mention the lackluster production. I've grown to like the album more over time, but I still don't have any illusions that the beats sound anything but dated.