I've been doing this for a while and they're slowly starting to look not terrible. This is pretty much a shameless plug because I need help getting votes and comments and stuff... On sites like deviantart and threadless I seem to be competing with artists who have over 9000 people watching their every move. So if you could take a look and vote on stuff if you like it, that would be awesome. Cheers.

Here's a typography tee that's currently in a competition on deviantArt. It's doing pretty well at the moment which is cool.

Just Take Hostages

Here's a threadless submission which is up for voting right now, not doing so well but there you go.


Here's a Half-Life 2 t-shirt which got accepted for voting on J!NX, a gamer-clothing website. People seem to like it, which is awesome.

Half-Life 2

So that's what I'm doing at the moment. Go on there and rate them/vote for them. Let me know what you think.

Also I hate you all.