Untitled VI

My mind aches with every thought
Conclusions of self are often distraught
Pushing through the veil of folded memories
Eyes perceive what I cannot believe

Tempests rage and the rains fall
These things do nothing to my mind
All the thoughts, and all that will be appalled
Sanity in this maelstrom you will not find

Untitled VII

Poisoning my mind to soothe my heart
Maddening liquor bullets tearing emotions
Life’s trivial notions, and seagulls over oceans
The thoughts in my mind that will not part

Longing for more than what land can fulfill
Sweet sunsets over water not a rolling hill
Too long my feet have laid dormant
Long have I awaited this single moment

Climb aboard the ship and sail into the dawn
Land will vanish, behind the distance
Leave behind sun bleached fields full of fawn
To see the world reborn, and life anew