Quote Originally Posted by MalReynolds View Post
100-150 pages is, monetarily speaking, useless anyway. It's too long to be an effective novella, too short to be an effective novel. The best shot at publication would be serialization in an adult magazine (not because of the content, but because they're more likely to serialize longer works) or as part of a short story compilation - but those are tricky to publish, as most agents won't represent a first time author for a book of short stories/novellas.

Now, the story-teller in me wants to read it, but market wise, 100-150 pages is a dead zone. Besides, word count is more important anyway.

In any case, work on it. I find that most stories worth telling will eventually get out, and if you decided this one is a dud ten pages out the gate, then it's a dud. There's no harm is starting and not finishing if you don't like it.
so much gay in one post i can't believe my eyes follow your nose where ever it goes toucan sam