Quote Originally Posted by Mad Pino Rage View Post
Well, David was like 30 something who had done an odd assortment of jobs and careers in his life with no retirement. I could see where selling his venture into internet business was the best thing he could do. Too bad he just said fuck the site and let some bastard rape the site. Also, I thought it was Niheel Patel not Niel.
To be fair, it was partially my fault since I was the go-between. I did some server work for Niel on another site. He was looking to buy a general discussion forum, I got him in contact with TGO as i knew TGO was looking to offload LWS.

But then Niel went crazy. I tried to stop him. He wanted to off-load Flames and the general discussion forum to another site. I convinced him to give me the Casual Discourse domain. For a brief time there was a link and a banner pointing to this domain until he went full retard and turned the site off.

Quote Originally Posted by gwahir View Post
yeah he was introduced to us (the staff) as niel initially and i guess at some point TGO or he mentioned his actual name but we only started calling him niheel when the whole community came to realise he was as dumb as a bag of erect dicks, i don't know, to irritate him i guess
It was me, on accident. and he sperg'd the fuck out about it. "DO NOT CALL ME THAT! CALL ME NIEL!"

Solecistic quit, qwahir quit, and I was really the only one remaining. I was feeding solecistic some info and somehow it got back to niel that I did so, so he suddenly locked me out of everything and told me I was fired

Quote Originally Posted by gwahir View Post
i mean this in the best possible way, but -- you don't really get this place yet
I run this place and I still don't get it.