
1. i am overjoyed bachmann got her crazy ass out of there

2. perry, you're next, even though i'd make out with him

3. mitt romney would be a perfect actor for a movie president. as the real president, i'm not on board

4. ron paul

5. gingrich was not too bad in the beginning but now he's going against everything he used to say in earlier debates, like "hey why you pittin' us all against each other" and now he's verbally bitchslapping romney and santorum

6. santorum was always like "hey guys can i play too" and now he's riding this recent influx. i do not forsee a president santorum

7. jon huntsman is the only moderate but he's a bit like a creepy uncle and doesn't really have enough balls

8. there's too many fucking gop debates

9. i'm glad i got promoted to regionals and won't have to deal with writing about the debates anymore

10. in short, holy fuck am i worried obama's gonna get reelected, and i wish chris christie/marco rubio ran as pres and vice pres.