Okay, so the lady I first discussed in this thread is the sales manager at my Realtor's office. My Realtor went back to that company, and since I semi-know her I plan to use her company as to manage my house when it goes on the rental market. For those too lazy to click the link, here's an excerpt of what happened between Hippiebitchmom and me (from my perspective, hers will doubtlessly be different):

Last October I actually made a few phone calls. My days of 100+ in a few hours have been over for almost two years, but I decided to try to get a hold of some of my seniors. I mostly left messages, spoke to a few, and promptly forgot all about the experience. Now, before I continue, let me say that I am hands-off when it comes to pursuing prospects or even following up with them. Outside of my first six months or so out here I am perhaps the least likely Recruiter to attempt to convince someone to join my military. I will talk pay, benefits, experiences, etc all day, but I refuse to try to change someone's mind over the phone or in person if they are not receptive to the idea of serving. Okay, that out of the way...

A few days after leaving those voice mails I received a call from a woman (lady is not the right word). She asked why I called her house and I asked her if she had a child attending Anonymous High School. When she found out I am a Recruiter she snapped, yelling at me that I am not to attempt to contact her sons at school or to call her house again. Cool, except for the fact that during her one-way conversation with me (during which she essentially called me a liar and a murderer) she did not give me her or her sons' names. Imagine her amusement when I called her right back to get that information. Now for the stupid part--I looked her sons up on Facebook to get an idea of what they looked like so that I could either avoid them or go out of my way to talk to them every time I visit the school (in case I decided to piss off their mom instead of appeasing her). I found the woman through that and ran a quick Google search, finding that she is a long-time Realtor who happened to work in the same office as my own Realtor. Needless to say, that company won't be getting any more business from me--especially since my Realtor has moved elsewhere. Now, keep in mind that I am in the South. Her attitude would be understandable in more liberal states such as California. In an area where people almost unanimously support the military I managed to find the one leftover Hippie. Literally; I checked her Facebook and saw where she had commented about watching Woodstock and feeling homesick. Come to find out she grew up in California with Hippie parents before moving out this way where she is now a born-again "Christian" and Conservative".
Anyway, I stepped into the real estate office for the first time in three years last week, but neither she nor my Realtor was present. If the sales manager is there I hope to be introduced and hope even more that she will remember my name. I'll be civil regardless and likely won't try to remind her of her unprofessionalism over the phone (in my opinion, true professionals should always stay level-headed and polite--especially in the sales field).
