Quote Originally Posted by solecistic View Post
Quite frankly, admin access on this forum at this moment in time is really just about trust and respect.


Admins are people you can trust with the keys to the whole building. At LWS and at many other forums, being on the admin team also means being on the executive committee. It means making top-level decisions based on experience, insight, and a certain set of skills.
this is why, if i have my way (which i generally do), you'll never be off the team. you're one of CD's founding fathers, and more responsible for this community even existing in a pre-CD sense than almost anyone else at this forum -- and, as sycld said, you're an admin the userbase trusts completely.

being an admin doesn't mean you have more rights and privileges than anyone else. in fact it kind of sucks the fun out of being at a forum, sometimes. but what it means is that sole's voice is ALWAYS a welcome part of any given discussion. even if she dropped in once a year to offer an executive opinion her voice would still be welcome. she's the batman to our justice league.

i know daitengu would echo these sentiments.