I'm no criminal mastermind. and i don't steal, that was a completely made up story. you're the dumb-dumb for taking it srs. in fact i don't do anything illegal at all except sometimes i drive a couple minutes faster than the speed limit but i mean seriously who doesn't do that? and last tuesday when i was shopping for groceries i put a twelve pack of coca-colas in the bottom of the shopping cart and forgot to pay for it! but it wasn't really my fault because i had the top part filled up too and couldn't see it; i legitimately totally forgot about it!!! although one time when i was five i stole a snickers bar from safeway and never gave it back. But i did feel bad about that.

Sorry, i went off on a tangent. Anyway. Technically i didn't even break the law with that, all i did was break Microsoft's EULA. And the day breaking a license agreement with a fucking software company is criminally prosecutable (sans breaking any actual laws whilst breaking the EULA) is the day i move to Switzerland.

Anyway, I never said I wrote the fucking program. I have only enough knowledge of javascript (which was the language used to actually exploit the security hole in flash (and only in IE)) to explain to you how it works. If you don't believe me, far be it from me to be the one to convince you. Not that it matters what you believe anyway, because whether you believe it or not, it still happened. There was actually a thread about it on LWS for several months and I remember multiple other people using similar exploits and getting their loot.