I probably waited so long to do something too long like usual, and it probably doesn't matter that much anymore. I actually think what usually happens is I have so many things I can say, and I am trying to think the best one, but the longer I wait the more it looks I was thinking too much about what to say. Besides, not all my thoughts of what to say might be good/right ones.

By telling a girl you like her she might think you are easy to get and wants something more challenging like someone who she doesn't know like her. Basically chasing is done. She's not wondering if you like her she know's you like her.

Supersonic, I don't think it is dumb to want to impress girls, and i think I heard only about 2-10 per cent girls have lesbian tendancies. Most people are outgoing vs shy anyways, so most places. Besides, most hot girls have options, anyways so yeah.