Since the topic has sort of veered off into math territory, I had a decent proposition given to the class by my probability/statistics teacher. Fun class by the way. She gave us the routine three tests and several quizzes. However, over the course of the semester, it was quite noticeable that both she and the entire class were concealing a brooding hatred for the topic on hand. Just this past week, we had the syllabus convoluted to such a degree that my inevitable failure (well, D or C-) had turned to sunshine and lollipops.

She made many quizzes group or class fiascoes, allowed us to drop our two lowest quiz grades, and decide whether or not we would want to take the final exam (if we were comfortable with our grade after Exam 3). I ended up bombing the third exam and still pulling off a C. I know it's nowhere close to an A, but it was enough for me to consider the options given.

Best part was when she told us how much she hated statistics.


BTW, I'll be reading that stuff ASAP.