Quote Originally Posted by Nadia View Post

There is a senior seminar?
Well, I think it depends upon the major you are in. At the time, I was in Engineering Technology (the default engineering major if you didn't know if you wanted mech, elec, or whatever), and I took it then. It's only a one credit course, every Friday, as you mentioned. No real thought involved, hell one of my group partners came in drunk most the time. Every week it was just a different topic on trying to prep you for the real world of job hunting. Mind you, this was last Fall that I took the class, so the economy wasn't in shit-hit-the-fan mode just quite yet. I think it will vary upon major if you need to take the course or not. Check your curriculum and it should be plastered on there if you need it. Plus, it probably depend where you go too. I'm at Temple currently, and in Info Tech, and there's no seminar.