My Father, as far as I know, was not raised in any church. My Mother hadn't really ever been to church, mainly because both of her parents are deaf, and it's a little hard for them to get involved in alot of things. When I was around 8, my grandmother asked if I wanted to go with her to church, and being curious, because I had never gone, I went. She went to a Mennonite church down the road from where I lived. I never really got anything from it the two or three times that I had actually gone. My family then moved, and the neighbor family were devout church-goers, and had talked to my parents about going to their church. My parents, being the nice people that they are, went to check things out. It was a simple Christian "Fellowship" church. My family and I (me having been made to go) had attended that church for a good couple years, I had been "saved", and a little while after that, had been baptised. After that, my Mom started going occasionally, but me and my Dad stayed because we had sort of an obligation, being as that we never taught anyone else how to use the audio/visual system that we had set up. I started not caring so much about it anymore, and we eventually started to make our way out of going every Sunday, leading to never going. I had thought about it alot, worked a mind-numbing job, spent alot of time doing nothing and thought about religion alot. I came to the conclusion a few years ago that I'm Atheist, being as that I can't believe anything that can't be proven to me, and that the Bible is simply a book that people get morality from, and a reason to live, die and so on. I wouldn't consider myself an Anti-theist because I don't believe that religion is bad, it's just not my thing. Being over here in Iraq, I've interacted with alot of Iraqi people, learning their culture, a little about Islam and so on. I loved working with these people, and never had a problem with them. I personally don't care what anyone believes in, I like people for who they are, not what they believe in. To each their own.