Quote Originally Posted by wanabedriver View Post
Honestly, I give props to linkinkampf19 for wanting to just do what your love. At one point, I wanted to be a race car driver. Alas, I was brainwashed to get a job I can tolerate so I have money to play with cars on the side.
Thanks man. It's sad that many people have to succumb to the dead end cubicle job. Surprisingly, my most tolerated job so far was Radio Shack, until the dick of a manager came in and ruined it for me. I loved helping people there, and I even offered computer help and advice on the side (may have helped my termination, who knows?)

Frankly, I know it's still a dream job to have, even with the amount of people already opening shop in much the same way. I doubt I will do this at first, as getting a stable job in the country at the moment may be a bit harder than it was when I originally chose said field. At first, I came right from high school and wanted to be a marine biologist. That lasted all of two semesters as I got way too bored with learning about sea dirt and detritus. At the time I did not realize that you had to take pointless classes to get to where you wanted to go. Also, I chose that major at the time as I was still a computer buff (or at least tried to be one), and my parents were against it, as it was so closely related to gaming (they deny it now). So now, I think as long as I get into a decent sized company that does repair work, I will be set for my final goal of opening my own shop, either by myself or with a friend. Whether or not it will ever happen remains to be seen.