Quote Originally Posted by Mad Pino Rage View Post
Kind of sounds cool to just get up and leave to travel to another country. Besides being buttfuck nowhere, what is the rest of Nova Scotia like?
To be fair, I am Canadian, born and raised, but moving from Ontario to the east coast... it's basically like another country. Nova Scotia tends to be pretty laid back in a lot of ways - I went boxing day shopping (which is held on the 27th instead of the 26th) and it was basically just a busy day for any future shop I'd go to in Ontario.

But I'd rather be doing anything than working in a factory, so learning home renovation basics and living in a little artist's community is pretty appealing to me, as I'm a fairly artsy guy anyways. One of my little hobbies is photography, and NS is pretty photogenic. There's a lot of little natural sites you can go to to take pictures, and in the summertime, there are enough festivals in Halifax to keep me there - the occasional Tall Ships festival and the Buskerfest being the ones that come to mind first.

To be honest, when I was (and still am) considering various careers, one of them was learning a trade in the canadian navy. Apparently they'll do skills training (electrician etc.) and give you a job there, and the pay is decent. A family friend is an electrician on a warship and earns enough to comfortably support a wife and kids on just his pay, so this is a pretty tempting option for me, but I haven't made my mind up yet. I guess I just like being a cat lying across an open doorway.