I've held a few widely varying roles in my current job. The first role was simple: Infantryman. Seek out and kill the enemy. Decent pay, excellent weight loss plan, and all-you-can-shoot M855 ball ammunition. It's what I joined the company for.

Second role was as a public showperson for the company. Stand straight, walk nice, put on a good show for everyone from El Presidente, to foreign dignitaries, to Joe Citizen, to retiring employees of the company. During this time I also performed many burial services for former members of the company.

Now I work at the mall. My current role has me seeking out qualified applicants for the company. Part of this job has me coordinating with local politicians and organization and being a public affairs spokesperson for the company. Stress-wise this will be demanding, work-wise, not so much.

Other roles I have held while with the company have been supervisor of between five and thirty subordinates, teacher, small arms repairman, landscaper, painter, ditch-digger, and too many other to list.

I have excellent benefits, make over $60k a year, get free education and steady advancement, annual pay raises. Etc. Etc. I may not work hard, but I earn it.