Quote Originally Posted by Pepsi View Post
Somewhere in the letters in the NT there's a verse that says something along the lines of how to God a day is 1,000 years and vice versa. I've never really taken the days to be literal, though there's no reason they couldn't be. I mean, people will bring up carbon dating and crap like that...but I sometimes view that type of thing as a test to see who true believers are.

Once again, I'm just going off my beliefs. I don't know what your beliefs are.
1) what the fuck do you know about radiometric dating that would allow you to call it "crap"?

2) i'm not sure exactly what you're referring to as the "test to see who true believers are" here, but you're saying that god would put evidence in the ground that would logically make one conclude that there are things on the earth older than the earth's biblical age just to see if his believers would believe the Bible over their senses?

What a terrible God.