Quote Originally Posted by gwahir View Post
They're impossible to compare. One involves processes of elimination and observation, the other involves guesswork and relies heavily on indoctrination. They can't compete because they're in different goddamn playing fields.
science itself relies heavily on indoctrination. pretty much everything that you learn, especially in the education system, relies on indoctrinating you in one form or another.

The problem here is your base view of both. You see science as the purest and highest ideal of man and religion as something primitive and foul, something that only corrupts. You filter all your views on these through that lens, and it colours your own perspective on it. It's one of the reasons I have such a hard time reading Dawkins.

Even saying that, I'm not trying to imply the opposite is true - you have to look at both objectively. Science, at it's worst, is doing some pretty terrible things to the world, just like Religion has done, but there are redeeming qualities in both, and those are the purest ideals that both hold.