Quote Originally Posted by sycld View Post
Hmm, well either that, or all you meat eaters bring a bunch of meat dishes that 20% of the people at the potluck can't eat, so the vegetarian people better damn well bring a couple entries that they can eat.

Or, if it'll make you happy, they can cook meat which they WON'T eat and don't even want to handle, and watch everyone else eat it.

(/rant from the son of a vegetarian)
This is gonna sound less tolerant than I actually am IRL, but I have to say Vegetarians are kind of pussies. Not because of their choice to not eat meat, but because I eat shit I don't like all the time, be it because its all I have, or to be polite, or some other reason. I don't like my fair share of foods, there are lots of things I choose not to eat given the opportunity, but if someone puts a burger with mayo on it in front of me(I hate mayo), I'll either wipe the mayo off the bun as much as I can, or I'll just eat the damn thing. Most of the vegetarians I have met will just complain and not eat whatever it is, or they wont pick the meat out.

I just don't see why vegetarians cant just make do with what they get, like the rest of us. Although, this is in no way an anti-vegetarian statement. I don't care what people eat, it doesn't affect me. However, if I were making something for a potluck and I knew there would be vegetarians there, I would trust them to bring their own food if they don't want mine. I don't mind if you don't eat meat, but don't expect me to have other options for you when I am perfectly happy to eat my hamburger. I guess I'm just saying that if you have special food requirements, that's your problem, not mine. I'm not making a veggie dish for the same reason you arent making a meat dish, because I won't eat it.