I remember one day, roughly a year ago, when I was in a horrible, horrible, state. As soon as I entered it, I became quite ill. The color disappeared from my face, I had trouble sleeping, there was some mild, yet sustained, discomfort in my belly (an aching pain - a belly-ache, so to speak) and twice I even remember hallucinating, although it may have just been one hallucination in which I hallucinated having another hallucination, I don't think I'll ever know...And so in this state, I too passed something. A most deadly something, which put a look of disgust on the faces of those around me. I passed a very foul smelling gas. It had been stewing in the depths of my innermost sanctum the entire time I'd been in that state. However when it came to pass, all was well. I wonder if this ban you speak of will have a similar effect. Only time will tell.