Quote Originally Posted by Cryptic View Post
Mal, there's no such thing as good faith on the internet, or especially this site.

Also if you read the thread (which I can't blame you if you didn't, it got long and pretty off track there for a bit) I kinda realize that putting up with a month and a half of nutty behavior has made me a little nutty myself. I mean seriously, always having to look over your shoulder, being afraid to pick up your phone or check your email, wondering what the hell this unstable nutjob is going to do next, and realizing that you wouldn't have to put up with ANY of it if you just would have thought with the right part of your body all leaves a guy in a position where yeah, his judgement gets a little clouded. I mean you put up with shit and stress day in and day out and see what it does to you after 40 days.

And it's not like I'm trying to blow off anybody's suggestions - I did get my number changed and only had to pay a small fee. Unfortunately moving isn't an option, and unless she comes into my building or attempts to contact me, all the cops can do is question her. LEGALLY there is nothing at ALL they can do if she's legally parked (even if it is outside my building) and not attempting to contact me. They can ask her what she's doing, suggest she leave, and document it, that's about it. I've actually talked to them. I've read up on the state statutes. I'm not an idiot - just because I did a stupid thing doesn't mean I'm a stupid person - and harassment to the point where it can be prosecuted is REALLY not as easy a thing to do as some of you might think. So it's not like I don't think your suggestions are valid, I've either already done them or know, legally, from sources that really would know, why they won't help me.

And again, if my posts "pain" you Mal, or anyone, when you see my name just hit "back", don't click the thread, or scroll down. It's amazing how many people whine about me whining, make entire lame threads about someone that doesn't matter (me), and then criticize me about the very same things. I mean everybody puts so much effort into saying that what's said online doesn't matter, nobody really likes or hates anybody they don't already know offline, it's all just a big joke and a bunch of words typed into nowhere, basically, calm the fuck down, etc etc LOLZ iNtErNeTz and then post thread upon thread and comment upon comment about some really average 18 year old guy who goes to an average school and aside from track, hasn't ever done anything really noteworthy one way or the other in his life. Seems a little ridiculous, doesn't it? If none of this matters, what we say doesn't matter, I don't matter and you don't matter and you really hate to read what I write, fucking get over it and move on already. I'm as tired of the "lulz Cryptic's a fag" as you all claim to be about me. It's fucking boring, frankly. If my posts are so awfull, how about somebody else finds something worthwhile to post about other than THEIR average lives or what they're thinking about when they're bored, huh?