Quote Originally Posted by Mr. E View Post
One of the reasons we don't have an AI is because this sentence is a giant lie. All AI would do is attract more condescending douchebags who would post in other forums too, much to the great annoyance of everyone else.
I'm getting kind of tired of hearing this. It's not as if every poster in AI was a condescending douchebag and the rest of the forum consisted of awesome intelligent people like you who just didn't feel the need to show off how brilliant they were. Things like this are only ever said because other people say them.

The fact is that AI in its day attracted some goddamn fine posters to the site. Some really sincere, thoughtful, clever, insightful, genuine people. Some of them have come here, but most of them didn't, which is a shame. But we do have posters that would make for excellent discussion in an AI; the reason we haven't implemented one is that we don't want to suck all the "intelligent debate" out of other forums and we also have our doubts about the sustainability of activity with such a small group of posters as we have.

I can relate to seeing a need for AI. It would be nice, in ideal circumstances. I know coqauvin and I have had a few debates over MSN that we simply couldn't have anywhere on the site, same with benszs and same with exodite pr syme. But we're not refraining from it so that people like you, Mr E, can feel superior to all those douchebag AI posters.