Quote Originally Posted by Satori_Everything View Post
Oh. Ok. Interesting. Thanks for tips. Yeah I stopped smoking pot awhile ago I think back that I probably act and sounded really weird/different. I mean I would just say what comes to my mind more often than just thinking it in my head. Well this one girl that I like more than most (just by looks) she says she likes all types of music. She doesn't have favorites. She downloads and puts them on her ipod. She listens to mostly pop/rap. I'm more into rock/metal. As for where she hangs out, she goes to fast food restaurants with her friends. She goes shopping at the mall for clothes. She likes to go to clubs to dance but refused to dance with me. When I ask her how she is she usually says either good. If she's in a bad mood I try to avoid talking to her as much. Should I talk to other girls more or focus on this girl?
Well it's nice you've gone that far, but ask her what type of people she likes perhaps?