Well today was a good day... No not really..

This weekend me and my buddies went to New Orleans for the HS football championship like I have for the past 10 years.

Then we always go to Bourbon street. It was fun. You know typical New Orleans experience, win $1200 at the casino, then spend it all at the Hustler club in 4 hours, etc, etc.

But then I got home. I was tired as shit sice I got 2 hours of sleep with a 30 minute intermission because I had to go to the bathroom and call my friend RALPHHHHHH.

So I get home last night. Pass out about 9:30 at night. Have to be at work at 6:45. No big deal.

Well I slept horrible. I was cranky and just in a bad mood today. Two hours before I get off they tell me I have to go on a delivery to the State Penitentiary which is about a 2 hour round trip. I was excited because I would get to smoke now.

So I go get the truck to pull it around the back and load it. As soon as I get in I smell something. It is disgusting. I look at the passenger door and see the door is unlocked. (Our store is 2 blocks from the projects). My first thought. "Some nasty homeless nigger slept in the fucking truck and stunk it up. FUCK!!" So I drive with the windows down to let it air out. well its not working.

About 20 minutes into the journey, I look at the miledge sheet which had fell on the floor due to the wind in the cab. I look at it and see something on it. I look closer and what is that? Oh shit, there is some kind of wetness coming through. So I look around it and see a small amount of liquid on the floor by the door sill. And then I think. "MOTHER FUCKER SOMEONE PISSED IN THE TRUCK!!" So I have to do something about this. The smell is fucking horrible.

I pull over and grad some gloves and a bunch of rags that were in the truck and go at it. When I start wiping the weatherstripping, brown fucking chunky liquid starts to pour out. "Jesus titty fucking Christ" I said. I knew it wasnt shit, it didnt smell like it and it had other stuff in it. It was the consistency of puke. I knew the smell from my little escapades a few nights before when I went meet RALPHHHH.

So apparently some drunk homeless guy decided to sleep in our store truck a few nights ago, and he threw up all over the floor and I had to drive 2 and a half hours with the smell, I even had the windows and it stunk really bad. I ended up stopping and getting some Vicks vapor rub to put under my nose, so that helped. Once I left the prison, I smoked a bowl out of my one hitter and couldnt really smell it for about 20 minutes. Then it came back stronger than ever.