I know you guys are getting tired of these; just please hear me out. Goddamn it, this is so fucking childish.

Two days ago, a friend was hanging out at my dorm and was using my roommate's laptop. He stumbles upon my roommate's Facebook account still logged in and edits his status to say "(name) is gay." Nothing too bad, right? I was unaware of this at the time as I was trying to sleep. He tells me hours later and we have a chuckle and leave a few hours later to go home for my three day weekend. I get an angry message from him yesterday and I explain to him that it wasn't me. He tells me he knows this and that I still should have stopped it from happening. Whatever, the guy must take the internets too seriously.

Then I got a message from him a few hours ago stating that he had drawn all over my binder and textbooks.

I've known this fuckin' guy for nearly two years now and he's always been a level-headed individual. However, if he's not messing around with me and I find out on Sunday that he did fuck with my shit, what does Casual Discourse have in mind for revenge?

tl;dr: roommate took internet too seriously and possibly vandalized my shit