the second girl hangs around the chubby girl, they dance and they hug and the chubby girl used to kiss her. She also hangs around my supervisor. Plus the other girl. Plus one other guy but not as much. So she mainly hangs and talks to the same people for some reason. Yet I don't see her talking with some other people as much. That reminds me, she stopped talking to me as much after I asked her out. Maybe she doesn't like me anymore. Maybe she talks and hangs around people she likes.

Most of the girls at my work seem straight. But the one that is bi isn't hot and she doesn't like me. But a lot of people don't like her either.

I mostly talk to girls at work. I don't think that we are allowed to really supposed hit on customers. Plus outside of work, I don't usually have long conversations with people I just meet. So mostly I talk to girls at work. Sometimes because I am bored. Sometimes because I think they are hot. Also if other people think they are hot, I like them more. Sometimes one of my female coworkers will mention a coworker that they think is attractive that I also think is attractive and makes me want to talk to the hot girl more. Also if I see someone flirting/ trying to get the girl to like them. Then I want to try too.