Quote Originally Posted by gwahir View Post
Seriously guys I don't think the world, or humanity, has ever been in such good shape

those who think otherwise are myopic and naive
To be quite honest, I have no idea how people were in ages past, and the fact of the matter is that it is often difficult even for those that study history and her sister studies to determine this too, as the historical and archealogical record usually has more detailed information about the rich and powerful than it does about the common man.

Also, I often try hard to imagine what life is like for the "average person" on the Earth, and I really have no idea.

So I will say that I have no real idea if life is "better" or "worse" for the average person, but I will also say that things could be far, far worse, and have been worse, certainly in the West. For example, the first half of the 20th century had TWO world wars which ravaged Europe and resulted in the deaths of millions upon millions of people. These two world wars sandwiched by the Great Depression in the US, which also gravely harmed many other economies in the world.

So in conclusion: SUN is an idiot.