Well, the drinking might be consuming me just a little. I haven't drank anything since Saturday and am really wanting a cold one now. I figured it was time to cut down just a little since the habit was getting so expensive, not to mention the health effects. Last Tuesday I got a twelve pack of Bud Light. My neighbor got a deal on cases of Keystone 16-ounce cans for $11.99 and brought a case over on Wednesday. Friday night came and I had three of those left, so Saturday it was time for a twelve pack of Miller. Of course, all it takes is a song, or a TV show like Burn Notice with Bruce Campbell asking the magic question.

Anyway, go figure that events yesterday and today have tested my ability to drink lemonade and iced tea alone. That, and staying up half the night Sunday from caffeine is much worse than waking up Monday with cotton mouth. Long story short, I'll be back in a bit. Time for a

And next week, I'll be requesting an extending TDY to go to Fort Polk for ADAPC.