Quote Originally Posted by djwolford View Post
Well that is the silliest shit that I've ever heard since it would never happen, but yes. What constitutes good or mad morals has always been decided by the general population in an area so I don't see any reason to change the way nature has worked since the dawn of time now.

Although I'd probably move to another location because that's just not cool imo.
It's not silly at all. Cannabis use is a victimless crime as it stands, whereas rape is not, which is the clear line between what ought to be illegal (protecting freedoms) and what ought not to be covered (what a person does to him or herself). But apparently you're adding a 3rd party, which is 'whatever the majority says goes'. Here's a newsflash: bowing to the wishes of the majority if it means discriminating against a minority is something people have been fighting against since the enlightenment. It's shitty views like yours which gave us such awesomeness as the holocaust, slavery, general racism, and religious persecution.

You'd have to demonstrate why, somehow, cannabis is a special case in order for you to actually believe that 51% of people should be able to tell 49% what they put in their own bodies (or even 99% and 1%, it doesn't matter).