Since I'm apparently a condescending asshole to other people about their pets and pet posts, it's only fair that I put my own guys out there for mockery and criticism. Also, it gives me a chance to use my new digital camera. It's win-win, really. Only you lose, and you don't count.

So, here's Honey and Stinky.

Honey, on the left, is a very fat female with who came in with some sort of heart problem. She gets medicated daily, and sometimes tries to pull the syringe out of my hand after I've squirted her meds into her mouth. I guess she likes the flavor. I didn't choose the name, but I guess it fits her color okay.

Her eyes kinda bulge out, too. We're not sure why, but it doesn't seem to bother her.

Stinky got his name because of his impaction issues. Cleaning out boar funk every day or two isn't a lot of fun. He's also kind of an old man - he didn't used to be grey around the nose and mouth like that.

Oh, and he's neutered.

I mentioned in another thread that my girlfriend runs a small animal rescue in our house. Here's a pic of her guinea pig setup (some of the rabbit cages can be seen in the back of the room, as well).