Quote Originally Posted by Mortal Kombat View Post
I don't go there myself but I do get emails from them every so often so I guess its going well enough. On a slightly related note, did you ever finish that book/story of yours, Creep World i think it was called, that you started posting on LWS years ago. I rather enjoyed that, or at least what you had written up to that point.
I've actually written 2 books since then - one about an amnesiac 20 something who wakes up in a dystopian city and tries to regain his identity (think a Bourne movie, but way more boring) that really sucked, and then my current novel, which is on the third draft. I haven't settled on a title yet, though. Also, I finished Creep World, but upon re-reading it, was somewhat ashamed. As I wrote it in 3 weeks, it was a sprint, not a marathon, though. I've been working on my latest book for around 2 years.