Quote Originally Posted by Cryptic View Post
The fact that you have friends this vapid (that means stupid) says a lot about you. She's just begging to get taken advantage of time and time and time again and I don't mean sexually - although probably that too. She's not "sweet" she's "too fucking dumb to know her ass from a hole in the ground". I'd lose her before her relationship with Dugan (and who even knows someone with a name like that????) gets you your ass kicked by a very angry band of black guys. She might not have any hatred in her because she's too stupid to know any better, but other people do hate and make up for it.
I have known her since the fifth grade, and I admit, watching her go from the cheerful kid I knew to the...well, IDIOT she is now has been kind of painful for me. I hardly meet any of her new friends who, I for one, can't stand because I know they use her as a doormat. Still, I can't find myself to sever the friendship with her. Though if I am going to be judged by her and the friendship we share, I won't lose sleep about that person's opinion.

Oh, and I live in Utah. I know every black guy, Tongan (islanders), Mexican and even the four Brazilians in my home city. My racial tolerance has been established. Lol