Quote Originally Posted by gorefinger View Post
For the sake of argument, I'm going to be generous and just say that you're REALLY reaching by claiming that "black culture has offered more to today's music than literally anything else".
Then I'll be generous and assume that you know absolutely fuck all about popular music. Take away the underpinning blues root, the african rhythms and the Jamaican influences and all your left with is practically nothing.

Or that, Alice Walker, or Maya Angelou will be as historically revered as Shakespeare, or Mark Twain, or Gertrude Stein, or Ernest Hemingway, or George Orwell, or Walt Whitman, or fuckin' Simias of Rhodes?
Shakespeare's legacy has revolutionised the English Language but aside from that then, yes. They are just as creative and just as effective as the rest and just as inspirational.
I guess my next question to you would be:

If you had the choice to live in a world stripped of either African culture, or European culture, which would you choose?

I would choose the world without African culture
Well practically all of European culture is now archaic and our societies are somewhat based on it, but just because their influence runs further down the river does not mean the flow is any stronger and the societies of tomorrow will be just as rooted in these 'multicultures' as we are in European cultures.