Quote Originally Posted by zuelan View Post
sycld really how come you've regained interest?

and don't say you quite simply had a change of heart
Haha, I suppose being pushed towards the gallows essentially for a single two-line post that I thought most people wouldn't think twice about did it.

Well, that and the knowledge that I'm going to be flushed anyway.

Quote Originally Posted by KT. View Post
flush scyld for pretty much all the reasons previously given.

Even if he randomly regained interest, what's to say he won't lose interest in the future.
I find it amusing that you're going for the disinterested players first, considering that the strategy in the last game was the complete opposite.

Well, I suppose repeating a failing strategy is insanity, so more power to y'all. I'll just be in the corner coating my body in petroleum jelly to make the process easier for y'all. If anyone wants to help or just gawk, feel free.